9 Common Health Issues in Pomeranians and How To Treat Them

common health issues in pomeranians

Pomeranians, with their fluffy coats and spirited personalities, have a special place in many hearts. However, like all breeds, they come with their own set of quirks and concerns. One topic every Pomeranian owner should be aware of is the common health issues in Pomeranians. Being informed not only helps in early detection but also in ensuring our furry friends lead a happy and healthy life. In this post, you’ll learn about these health concerns and find out how to treat them.

9 Common Health Issues in Pomeranians:

  1. Luxating patella
  2. Hip dysplasia
  3. Black skin disease / Alopecia X
  4. Tracheal collapse
  5. Hypothyroidism
  6. Cataracts
  7. Hypoglycemia
  8. Cushing’s syndrome
  9. Distichiasis

1. Luxating patella

Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

A short explanation

A luxating patella in Pomeranians refers to a condition where the dog’s kneecap (patella) moves out of its normal position in the groove of the thigh bone. Instead of gliding smoothly up and down as the dog moves its leg, the kneecap slips to the side, either inward (medially) or outward (laterally).

What causes luxating patella in Pomeranians?

Luxating patella in Pomeranians is primarily a hereditary condition, meaning it can be passed down through generations. Other factors that can contribute include trauma or injury to the leg, rapid growth during puppyhood causing misalignment, obesity putting added stress on the joints, and naturally weak or overly elastic ligaments around the knee.

First signs of luxating patella in Pomeranians

  1. Limping – One of the most common signs is occasional limping or hopping on one leg, especially after running or playing.
  2. Holding the leg up – The dog might hold up the affected leg for a few steps and then suddenly return to walking normally.
  3. Kneecap manipulation – If you gently feel the dog’s knee, you might be able to move the kneecap side-to-side more than usual, indicating it’s not sitting securely in its groove.
  4. Sudden yelps or whines – The dog might yelp or whine suddenly when the kneecap slips out of place, indicating discomfort or pain.
  5. Refusing to jump or play – A dog with a luxating patella might be hesitant to jump onto furniture or play as energetically as usual.
  6. Stiffness after rest – After lying down or resting, the dog might show stiffness or discomfort in the affected leg.
  7. Swelling or tenderness – In some cases, there might be mild swelling or tenderness around the knee area.
  8. Visible abnormal leg movement – In severe cases, you might notice an abnormal bend or twist in the leg when the dog walks.

Is luxating patella curable?

Luxating patella in Pomeranians can be managed, and in many cases, significantly improved, especially with early detection and treatment. While it might not always be “curable” in the sense of completely reversing the condition, it can often be corrected or managed to the point where a Pomeranian experiences little to no discomfort.

How to treat luxating patella in Pomeranians?

If your Pom has a slipping kneecap, it’s essential to keep them calm and avoid too much jumping or running. The vet might give medicine to help with pain and swelling. Keeping the Pom at a healthy weight helps, as extra weight can make the problem worse. Some Pomeranians benefit from exercises that strengthen their leg muscles. In serious cases, where the problem keeps happening and causes a lot of pain, a vet might suggest surgery to fix the issue. It’s always good to have regular vet visits to check on the problem and get the best advice.

2. Hip dysplasia

Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

A short explanation

Hip dysplasia in Pomeranians is a condition where the hip joint doesn’t form properly. This means the ball and socket of the hip don’t fit together as they should. Over time, this misfit can cause wear and tear, leading to pain and difficulty moving.

What causes hip dysplasia in Pomeranians?

It’s a genetic issue, meaning it can be passed down from parent dogs to their puppies. Factors like injury or rapid weight gain, especially during puppyhood, can put extra stress on the hip joints, potentially leading to or worsening hip dysplasia. While more common in larger breeds, small dogs like Pomeranians can also be affected.

First signs of hip dysplasia in Pomeranians

  • Limping: They might walk with a limp or not want to use one leg.
  • Trouble Getting Up: They might find it hard to stand up after lying down.
  • Being Less Active: They might not want to play or run as much.
  • Walking Funny: Their walk might look a bit off, like a hop.
  • Avoiding Stairs: They might not want to climb stairs.
  • Showing Pain: They might react if you touch their hip or they might not move around as smoothly.

Is hip dysplasia in Pomeranians curable?

Hip dysplasia in Pomeranians isn’t completely “curable,” but it can be managed to improve the dog’s quality of life.

How to treat hip dysplasia in Pomeranians?

Treatments can help reduce pain and improve mobility. In mild cases, weight management, physical therapy, and pain-relieving medications can help. In more severe cases, surgery might be an option to correct the hip joint or replace it. While surgery can significantly improve the condition, it’s essential to note that the dog might still have some limitations. With the right care and treatment, many Pomeranians with hip dysplasia can lead comfortable and active lives.

3. Black skin disease / Alopecia X in Pomeranians

Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

A short explanation

Alopecia X in Pomeranians is a skin condition where the dog loses hair, often in patches. The skin in those areas might also darken. It changes their appearance, but the dog doesn’t feel any itching or pain from it. It begins in the area around their tail and back legs. 

What causes alopecia X in Pomeranians?

The exact reason why Pomeranians get Alopecia X isn’t fully known, but it’s believed to be related to hormonal or genetic factors. Some researchers think it might be linked to the dog’s adrenal glands, which produce hormones, or it could be tied to how their hair follicles grow and develop. Despite various studies, it’s still a bit of a mystery in the Pomeranian world.

First signs of alopecia X in Pomeranians

  • Patchy hair loss, starting in small areas but gradually expanding.
  • Darkening of the skin where the hair has been lost, giving it a more pigmented look.
  • Thinning of the coat, especially noticeable on the tail, back, and sides.
  • A change in hair texture, with it becoming dry or brittle.
  • Areas of hair loss might feel smoother or softer to touch.
  • The dog might have an uneven appearance, with some parts having a lush coat and others being bald or sparse.

Is alopecia X in Pomeranians curable?

Alopecia X in Pomeranians isn’t completely curable, but there are treatments that can help manage the condition and improve the dog’s appearance.

How to treat alopecia X in Pomeranians?

Treating Alopecia X in Pomeranians can be a bit challenging since the exact cause isn’t fully known. However, there are several approaches that have been tried with varying degrees of success:

  1. Melatonin: Some vets recommend melatonin supplements. Melatonin can stimulate hair growth in some dogs, though it’s not a guaranteed solution.
  2. Hormonal Therapies: Medications like spironolactone or flutamide, which influence hormone levels, have been tried. They aim to balance any potential hormonal imbalances causing the hair loss.
  3. Special Shampoos: Medicated shampoos or lotions can be prescribed to promote hair growth or improve skin health.
  4. Dietary Supplements: Omega fatty acids and certain vitamins might help improve skin and coat health.
  5. Neutering or Spaying: In some cases, neutering or spaying the dog has led to hair regrowth, suggesting a hormonal component to the condition.
  6. Regular Check-ups: Since the condition can progress or change, regular vet visits are essential to monitor the dog’s skin and hair health and adjust treatments as necessary.

4. Tracheal collapse

Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

A short explanation

Tracheal collapse in Pomeranians is a condition where the windpipe, or trachea, becomes weak and flattens, making it harder for the dog to breathe. This can cause coughing (often described as a “goose honk” cough), difficulty breathing, and wheezing. It’s more common in small breeds like Pomeranians and can be caused by a combination of genetic factors, age, and environmental triggers. When the trachea collapses, it restricts the airflow, leading to the noticeable symptoms.

What causes tracheal collapse in Pomeranians?

racheal collapse in Pomeranians is believed to result from a combination of factors:

  1. Genetics: Some Pomeranians might be genetically predisposed to have weaker tracheal cartilage, making them more susceptible to the condition.
  2. Age: As Pomeranians get older, the cartilage in the trachea can become more brittle and prone to collapsing.
  3. Environmental Factors: Exposure to smoke, dust, or other irritants can exacerbate the condition.
  4. Obesity: Overweight dogs have added pressure on their trachea, which can contribute to its collapse.
  5. Chronic Respiratory Disease: Conditions like chronic bronchitis can increase the risk.
  6. Harness or Collar Pressure: Using a collar that pulls on the neck can put strain on the trachea, especially if the dog pulls hard or is frequently yanked.

First signs of tracheal collapse in Pomeranians

The first signs of tracheal collapse in Pomeranians often include a distinctive cough that sounds like a “goose honk.” This cough can become more noticeable when the dog is excited, eating, drinking, or exposed to hot and humid weather. Along with the cough, the dog might show difficulty in breathing, wheezing, or a reduced tolerance for exercise. In more severe cases, they may experience episodes of bluish gums due to lack of oxygen. It’s crucial for owners to monitor for these signs and consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Is tracheal collapse curable?

Tracheal collapse in Pomeranians isn’t entirely curable, but it can be effectively managed to improve the dog’s quality of life. While mild cases can often be treated with medications, weight management, and lifestyle changes, more severe cases might require surgical intervention. The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms, prevent progression, and ensure the dog can breathe comfortably. With proper care and management, many Pomeranians with tracheal collapse can lead active and happy lives. However, it’s essential to work closely with a veterinarian to determine the best treatment approach for each individual dog.

How to treat tracheal collapse in Pomeranians?

Treating tracheal collapse in Pomeranians involves a combination of medical management and lifestyle changes:

  1. Cough Suppressants: Medications like butorphanol can be prescribed to control and reduce the coughing associated with tracheal collapse.
  2. Bronchodilators: Drugs like theophylline or terbutaline can help open up the airways and make breathing easier.
  3. Anti-inflammatory Medications: Steroids or other anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce inflammation in the trachea, helping to alleviate symptoms.
  4. Weight Management: Keeping the Pomeranian at a healthy weight is crucial. Excess weight can exacerbate the symptoms of tracheal collapse.
  5. Use a Harness: Switching from a collar to a harness can reduce pressure on the trachea, especially during walks.
  6. Avoid Irritants: Keeping the dog away from smoke, excessive dust, and other air pollutants can help reduce coughing and other symptoms.
  7. Surgery: In severe cases where medical management isn’t effective, surgery might be recommended. There are various surgical techniques, like placing a stent to keep the trachea open.
  8. Environmental Control: Using humidifiers and keeping the living space free of irritants can be beneficial.

5. Hypothyroidism

Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

A short explanation

Hypothyroidism in Pomeranians is when the dog’s thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone. This hormone helps control energy and metabolism. Dogs with this problem might gain weight, feel tired, and have a dull coat. It’s like the engine in a car running too slow. A vet can test for it and give medicine to help.

What causes hypothyroidism in Pomeranians?

Hypothyroidism in Pomeranians is usually caused when their immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland, damaging it. This means the gland can’t make enough thyroid hormone. Other causes can include aging, certain medicines, or problems in the gland itself. This condition slows down the dog’s metabolism, like a car running on low battery. It’s important to see a vet if there are signs of this issue so they can help.

First signs of hypothyroidism in Pomeranians

The first signs of hypothyroidism in Pomeranians include:

  • Tiredness or lack of energy.
  • Weight gain without eating more.
  • Dry, dull coat with hair loss.
  • Cold sensitivity, seeking warm places.
  • Dark patches on the skin.
  • Thicker skin or skin infections.
  • Slow heart rate.

If a Pomeranian shows these signs, it’s good to visit a vet for a check-up and possible treatment.

Is hypothyroidism curable?

Hypothyroidism in Pomeranians isn’t completely curable, but it’s very manageable. With the right medication, like synthetic thyroid hormone, the dog can lead a normal, healthy life. Once treatment starts, most symptoms go away. Regular vet visits and blood tests are important to make sure the medicine dose is right and the dog is doing well.

How to treat hypothyroidism in Pomeranians?

Treating hypothyroidism in Pomeranians mainly involves giving them a synthetic thyroid hormone, usually called levothyroxine. This medicine replaces the missing thyroid hormone and helps get their metabolism back to normal. Here’s the general approach:

  1. Medication: The vet will prescribe a specific dose of levothyroxine based on the dog’s weight and needs. It’s usually given once or twice daily.
  2. Regular Check-ups: It’s important to see the vet regularly, especially when starting treatment. They’ll do blood tests to check thyroid levels and make sure the medicine is working.
  3. Diet and Exercise: Keeping the Pomeranian active and on a balanced diet can help manage weight and overall health.
  4. Monitor for Side Effects: While rare, some dogs might have reactions to the medicine. Always watch for any unusual signs and report to the vet.
  5. Consistency: It’s essential to give the medicine at the same time every day and not miss doses.

With the right treatment and regular vet care, a Pomeranian with hypothyroidism can lead a happy and active life.

6. Cataracts

Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

A short explanation

Cataracts in Pomeranians happen when the lens inside their eye becomes cloudy, making it hard for them to see. It can look like a foggy or bluish spot in the eye. This can be due to age, genetics, or sometimes injuries. Dogs with cataracts might bump into things or be hesitant to jump or climb. A vet can check their eyes and suggest treatments or surgery to help.

What causes cataracts in Pomeranians?

Cataracts in Pomeranians can be caused by:

  1. Age: Just like in people, older dogs can develop cataracts as a natural part of aging.
  2. Genetics: Some Pomeranians might inherit a higher risk of getting cataracts from their parents.
  3. Injury: A hurt or damaged eye can sometimes lead to a cataract.
  4. Diseases: Conditions like diabetes can increase the chance of a Pomeranian getting cataracts.
  5. UV Radiation: Just like sun can harm our skin, too much exposure to sunlight can affect a dog’s eyes.

First signs of cataracts in Pomeranians

The first signs of cataracts in Pomeranians include:

  • Cloudy, Foggy, or Bluish Eyes: Instead of being clear, the eye’s lens looks cloudy or has a bluish tint.
  • Difficulty Seeing: The dog might bump into things, miss toys when playing, or be hesitant in unfamiliar areas.
  • Clumsiness: They might have trouble with stairs, jumps, or navigating around obstacles.
  • Eye Rubbing: The dog might rub or scratch at their eyes more often.
  • Shying Away from Light: Bright lights might seem uncomfortable, and the dog might prefer dimmer areas.

Are cataracts in Pomeranians curable?

Yes, cataracts in Pomeranians can be treated, and vision can often be significantly improved. The most effective way to “cure” cataracts is through surgery, where the cloudy lens is removed and, in most cases, replaced with an artificial one. The surgery has a high success rate and can restore much, if not all, of the dog’s vision. However, whether surgery is an option depends on the dog’s overall health, age, and the severity of the cataract. It’s essential to consult with a veterinarian or a veterinary ophthalmologist to determine the best course of action for a Pomeranian with cataracts.

How to treat cataracts in Pomeranians?

Treating cataracts in Pomeranians involves several steps:

  1. Diagnosis: A veterinarian or a veterinary ophthalmologist will conduct a thorough eye examination to confirm the presence of cataracts and determine their severity.
  2. Surgery: The most effective treatment for cataracts is surgical removal. During the surgery, the cloudy lens is removed and usually replaced with an artificial lens. This restores clear vision to the dog.
  3. Post-Surgery Care: After surgery, the dog will need eye drops to prevent infection and reduce inflammation. Regular check-ups will be necessary to monitor healing.
  4. Avoiding Sunlight: Protecting the dog’s eyes from excessive sunlight can help reduce the risk of cataract development or progression. UV protective goggles or avoiding direct sunlight during peak hours can be beneficial.
  5. Regular Check-ups: Even after treatment, regular eye exams are essential to monitor for any changes or complications.
  6. Diet and Supplements: Some believe that a balanced diet and specific supplements can support eye health, though their direct impact on cataracts is still a topic of research.

7. Hypoglycemia

Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

A short explanation

Hypoglycemia in Pomeranians means their blood sugar drops too low. This can make them feel weak, shaky, and confused. They might also seem more tired than usual, wobble when walking, or even faint. It’s especially common in tiny and young Pomeranians. If not treated quickly, it can be serious, so it’s important to give them a sugar source and see a vet if it happens.

What causes hypoglycemia in Pomeranians?

Hypoglycemia in Pomeranians can be caused by:

  1. Not Eating Enough: Especially in tiny or very active Pomeranians, missing a meal can lead to low blood sugar.
  2. Overexertion: Too much play or exercise without enough food can use up their sugar reserves.
  3. Stress: Big changes or stressful events can trigger a drop in blood sugar.
  4. Illness: Some diseases or infections can affect blood sugar levels.
  5. Young Age: Puppies have less sugar stored up and can get hypoglycemia more easily.
  6. Digestive Issues: Problems absorbing food or nutrients can lead to low sugar levels.

First signs of hypoglycemia in Pomeranians

The first signs of hypoglycemia in Pomeranians include:

  • Weakness or Lethargy: They might seem more tired than usual or not want to play.
  • Shakiness or Trembling: They could appear shaky, especially in their legs.
  • Loss of Appetite: They might not be interested in their food.
  • Wobbling or Unsteady Walk: They might walk as if they’re dizzy or drunk.
  • Blank Stare or Confusion: They might seem lost or not recognize familiar people or places.
  • Fainting or Seizures: In severe cases, they might collapse or have twitching muscles.

If a Pomeranian shows any of these signs, it’s crucial to act quickly. Giving them a source of sugar, like honey or a sugar solution, can help, but seeing a vet immediately is essential.

Is hypoglycemia curable?

Hypoglycemia in Pomeranians isn’t a disease by itself but a symptom of an underlying issue or a result of specific circumstances. While individual episodes of hypoglycemia can be quickly treated and reversed, it’s essential to identify and address the root cause to prevent future episodes.

For example, if a Pomeranian experiences hypoglycemia because they missed a meal, regular feeding schedules can help. If an underlying illness is causing the low blood sugar, addressing that illness is crucial.

In many cases, by understanding the triggers and managing them effectively (like regular feeding, avoiding excessive exertion without food, or treating underlying conditions), Pomeranian owners can prevent recurrent hypoglycemic episodes. So, while individual episodes are treatable, the focus should be on management and prevention.

How to treat hypoglycemia in Pomeranians?

Treating hypoglycemia in Pomeranians involves both immediate action during an episode and long-term strategies to prevent future occurrences:

Immediate Action:

  1. Administer Sugar: If you suspect your Pomeranian has hypoglycemia, give them a quick source of sugar. This can be in the form of honey, Karo syrup, or glucose gel. Rub a small amount on their gums.
  2. Keep Them Warm: Hypoglycemia can cause a drop in body temperature. Wrap your dog in a blanket to keep them warm.
  3. Visit the Vet: After stabilizing the dog, take them to a vet immediately. They may require further treatment or monitoring.

Long-term Management and Prevention:

  1. Regular Feeding: Small, frequent meals can help maintain stable blood sugar levels. Puppies especially might need to be fed 4-5 times a day.
  2. High-Quality Diet: Ensure the dog’s food is nutritious and appropriate for their age, size, and activity level.
  3. Avoid Overexertion: After play or exercise, offer a small snack to replenish their energy.
  4. Manage Stress: Stressful situations can trigger hypoglycemia. Try to keep your dog’s environment as stress-free as possible.
  5. Regular Vet Check-ups: Regular check-ups can help catch any underlying conditions that might be causing hypoglycemia.
  6. Educate Yourself: Recognize the signs of hypoglycemia and be prepared to act swiftly.

Remember, while the immediate response can quickly reverse the low blood sugar, understanding and addressing the root cause is vital for the long-term well-being of the Pomeranian. Always consult with a veterinarian about any recurring health issues.

8. Cushing’s syndrome

Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

A short explanation

Cushing’s syndrome in Pomeranians happens when their body produces too much of a hormone called cortisol. This can be because of issues with their adrenal glands or because of certain medicines. Dogs with Cushing’s might drink a lot, eat more, have a pot-bellied look, and lose hair. Their skin can also get thin and bruise easily. It’s important for a vet to check any Pomeranian showing these signs, as treatments are available to help manage the condition.

What causes Cushing’s syndrome in Pomeranians?

Cushing’s syndrome in Pomeranians can be caused by:

  1. Pituitary Gland Tumor: A small tumor in the brain’s pituitary gland can cause it to produce too much of a hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands. This is the most common cause and is often called “Pituitary-dependent Cushing’s.”
  2. Adrenal Gland Tumor: A tumor directly on one of the adrenal glands (located near the kidneys) can lead to excessive cortisol production. This is known as “Adrenal-dependent Cushing’s.”
  3. Medication: Some medications, especially long-term use of steroids like prednisone, can lead to Cushing’s syndrome. This type is called “Iatrogenic Cushing’s.”

It’s crucial to determine the exact cause because the treatment approach can vary depending on the underlying issue.

First signs of Cushing’s syndrome in Pomeranians

The first signs of Cushing’s syndrome in Pomeranians include:

  • Increased Thirst and Urination: They might drink a lot more water and need to go outside to pee more often.
  • Increased Appetite: They could seem always hungry and may beg for food more than usual.
  • Pot-bellied Appearance: Their belly might look swollen or rounded.
  • Hair Loss: They could lose hair, especially on their sides, and it might not grow back.
  • Thin Skin: Their skin might become thin, fragile, and easily bruised.
  • Lack of Energy: They may seem more tired or less eager to play.
  • Panting: They might pant more, even when it’s not hot or after exercise.

Is Cushing’s syndrome curable?

Cushing’s syndrome in Pomeranians isn’t entirely curable, but it is manageable with proper treatment. The approach to management depends on the cause:

  1. Pituitary-dependent Cushing’s: This is often treated with oral medications that control cortisol production, like trilostane or mitotane. Dogs usually need to take these for the rest of their lives.
  2. Adrenal-dependent Cushing’s: If a tumor on the adrenal gland is the cause, surgery to remove the tumor might be an option. If surgery isn’t possible, medications can be used to manage the condition.
  3. Iatrogenic Cushing’s: If the syndrome is due to long-term steroid use, the vet might adjust or slowly reduce the medication, under careful monitoring.

While the condition might not be “cured” in the traditional sense, with consistent treatment and regular vet check-ups, many Pomeranians with Cushing’s syndrome can lead a comfortable and relatively normal life.

How to treat Cushing’s syndrome in Pomeranians?

Treating Cushing’s syndrome in Pomeranians involves a combination of medical interventions and regular monitoring:

  1. Medication for Pituitary-dependent Cushing’s: If the syndrome is due to a pituitary gland issue, medications like trilostane (Vetoryl) or mitotane (Lysodren) are often prescribed. These drugs help regulate cortisol production.
  2. Surgery for Adrenal-dependent Cushing’s: If the cause is a tumor on the adrenal gland, surgery to remove the tumor might be recommended. This can often resolve the issue, but it depends on the tumor’s size and location.
  3. Medication for Adrenal-dependent Cushing’s: If surgery isn’t an option or isn’t successful, medications like trilostane or ketoconazole can be used to manage the syndrome.
  4. Adjusting Medication for Iatrogenic Cushing’s: If Cushing’s syndrome has developed due to long-term steroid use, the vet will typically work on a plan to reduce or replace the steroid medication gradually.
  5. Regular Monitoring: Dogs with Cushing’s syndrome need regular vet check-ups to monitor their cortisol levels and adjust treatments as necessary. This might involve blood tests and other diagnostic procedures.
  6. Supportive Care: Providing a balanced diet, ensuring the dog has plenty of clean water, and managing any secondary issues (like infections) are also part of the overall treatment approach.

9. Distichiasis

Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

A short explanation

Distichiasis in Pomeranians is when extra eyelashes grow from oil glands in the eye’s edge. These lashes can rub against the eyeball, causing discomfort or even scratching the eye. A Pomeranian with this condition might blink a lot, have watery eyes, or try to scratch or rub their eye. There are treatments available, like removing the extra lashes, to help make the dog more comfortable. Seeing a vet if these signs are noticed is important.

What causes distichiasis in Pomeranians?

Distichiasis in Pomeranians is primarily a hereditary condition, meaning it’s passed down through genes from one generation to the next. The exact cause is not fully understood, but it’s believed to be a genetic predisposition that causes the hair follicles to develop abnormally within the oil glands of the eyelids. This leads to the growth of extra eyelashes that protrude and can irritate the eye. While it’s more common in certain breeds, including Pomeranians, the exact genetic mechanism is still a subject of research. Regular eye check-ups can help detect and manage this condition early on.

First signs of distichiasis in Pomeranians

The first signs of distichiasis in Pomeranians include:

  • Frequent Blinking: The dog might blink more than usual due to the irritation.
  • Watery Eyes: Excessive tearing or wetness around the eyes can be a sign.
  • Redness: The affected eye might look red or inflamed.
  • Rubbing or Scratching: The dog might try to rub their eye with their paw or against furniture.
  • Clear Mucus: There might be a clear discharge from the irritated eye.
  • Sensitivity to Light: The dog might squint or avoid bright light.

Is distichiasis curable?

Distichiasis as one of the common health issues in Pomeranians is treatable, and in many cases, the problematic lashes can be effectively managed or removed. However, the term “curable” can be a bit misleading, as some dogs may have recurring issues or new lashes that develop over time.

Treatments include:

  1. Cryotherapy: A method where the problematic lashes are frozen and removed.
  2. Electroepilation: Using electrical currents to destroy the hair follicle.
  3. Surgical Removal: Problematic lashes are surgically removed.
  4. Lubricating Eye Drops: To soothe the eye and reduce irritation.

How to treat distichiasis in Pomeranians?

Treating distichiasis in Pomeranians involves various procedures to alleviate discomfort and prevent potential damage to the eye. The approach is chosen based on the severity and specific needs of the dog:

  1. Cryotherapy: This is a common method where the problematic eyelashes are frozen using a specialized instrument and then removed. This process can help prevent the lashes from growing back.
  2. Electroepilation: This method uses electrical currents to destroy the root of the problematic eyelash, preventing it from regrowing.
  3. Surgical Removal: In some cases, a veterinarian might opt to surgically remove the offending eyelashes. This might be done under local or general anesthesia, depending on the dog and the extent of the condition.
  4. Lubricating Eye Drops: To reduce the irritation caused by the distichiae rubbing against the cornea, vets often prescribe lubricating eye drops or ointments. These help protect the eye and offer relief.
  5. Regular Monitoring: After treatment, regular eye examinations are crucial to ensure the condition doesn’t return or to address any new lashes that might develop.

It’s essential to work closely with a veterinarian, preferably one specializing in ophthalmology, to determine the best treatment approach for a Pomeranian with distichiasis.

Wrapping up – Common Health Issues in Pomeranians

Pomeranians are cute and fluffy dogs that many people love. But like all pets, they can have health problems – common health issues in Pomeranians. We talked about nine common health issues in Pomeranians. From eye problems like distichiasis to bigger issues like Cushing’s syndrome, it’s good to know the signs. If your Pomeranian acts differently or seems in pain, it’s important to see a vet. Taking care of our furry friends means making sure they’re healthy and happy. Remember, the sooner you catch a problem, the easier it is to help them. So, always keep an eye on your Pom and give them lots of love!\

Keep learning about Pomeranians health: How Long Do Pomeranians Live? Lifespan of a Pomeranian